About Company

Our Movement

We believe in a world where we don’t just exist to get by… rather, we live in such a way that we can look back at the end of our lives and say “that was worth it”. 

We bring that belief to life by turning lives filled with “have to’s” into ones filled with “want to’s.”

We work with people who know there’s more to life – as their Holistic Guide to help them integrate our proven method, the S.A.G.E method, designed to bring you back to balance when you get off track, as we all do throughout our lives – we believe that’s part of the journey.

How do we show up along the way? 

  • We Get Still.  We know that our stillness will give us the answers and we value being able to know for ourselves whether something is right for us or not.
  • We create safety to go deep. We know it’s hard to face our healing path sometimes and we create safety for you to take things at your pace, following your inner knowing and we are always there rooting you on with the best intentions.
  • We Nourish Our Mind, Body & Soul. We feed ourselves consistently with new knowledge and experiences that light us up and take us to the next level. 
  • We Embrace Connection. We lean into our people because we know we’re not supposed to do life alone. 
  • We Lean into Change. We embrace uncertainty with an open mind and open heart, building trust in thoughtful ways with ourselves and our community.
  • We Fully Express Ourselves. We live life through the lens of knowing that vibrancy, color and fullness is meant for each of us to experience. 

We aren’t just a business doing this work, we have started a movement, and we call this The Feel Alive Movement.

We hope you’ll join us by working with one of our holistic Guides and staying up to date with what we have going on here at S.A.G.E.