About Company

Mission Statement

Daybreak is a metaphor for change. It is the time when the light of day first shines on the darkness of night. At Daybreak Counseling Center we believe that the power of human potential can be utilized for healing, growth, and societal transformation. Through our exceptional psychotherapy and counseling services our mission is to provide unique excellence in two things: Mental Health Treatment and Personal Development. We provide a holistic and client centered approach that is tailor made to fit each client’s history, needs, and concerns. We aim to provide the highest quality service possible to working professionals, couples, teens, and children in Long Beach, Cerritos, and Online throughout all of California.

We believe that the relationship you have with your therapist is a fundamental factor in the efficacy of therapy and your overall experience of it. If you see one of us and you feel it is not a good match we completely understand that and we will help you find someone who may be a better match for you. We believe in the power of healing and growth that psychotherapy can provide and we want all those who come through our doors to have amazing experience. All of our therapists are highly skilled and passionate about helping others. Although we value and apply our education and training we also believe in these words of wisdom from one of the great masters os psychotherapy: "Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul...just be another human soul." - Carl Jung


We provide psychotherapy, counseling, and mental health services for children, teens, adults, and couples at our offices in Long Beach and Cerritos. We also provide convenient online video based tele-therapy sessions throughout all of California that can be conducted in the comfort of your home in accordance with your schedule. We work with a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues providing services that span from therapy for depression and anxiety to parenting support, couples therapy and personal growth work. In a comfortable, confidential, and supportive atmosphere, we offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each of our clients individual needs to help them attain the personal growth they’re striving to accomplish. 

Psychotherapy & Counseling for :

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma
  • Relationship Issues
  • Stress Management
  • Couples Counseling
  • Family Counseling
  • Parenting Support
  • LGBTQ Issues
  • Grief and Loss
  • Work and Career issues
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Family Conflicts
  • Navigating Life Transitions
  • Student & Academic Issues
  • Social Anxiety & Self-Esteem
  • Physical, Verbal, and Sexual Abuse
  • Personal Growth & Assertiveness Training
  • Addictions, Substance Abuse, and Recovery
  • Spirituality, Existential Questions, and Loss of Meaning
  • Motivation, Creativity, & Performance
  • Teen, and Adolescent Issues (ADHD/Conduct Disorders) 

Our Approach to Therapy

1.Holistic: We want to learn about you as a whole person: your history, family of origin, social circle, activities, hobbies, hopes, dreams, and not just your current symptoms or problems.

2. Client Centered: We collaborate with you, based on what we have learned about you as a whole person, on what issues or questions you would like to work on. We don't have a one size fits all approach. We are open minded, non-judgemental, and tailor our approach to meet your needs. 

3. Psychodynamic: We listen and look for unexpressed and unconscious feelings and thoughts that play a role in your current life. The purpose of uncovering and understanding our unconscious life is to attain a greater knowledge of self for prolonged healing and growth that we can more deeply integrate and implement into our lives throughout its entire course. 

Certain behaviors or feelings we call “symptoms” are often ways we try to keep our sense of self alive and whole in order to maintain balance and stability. Throughout the course of therapy as clients explore their emotions, thoughts, patterns, and behaviors, previously exiled feelings and parts of self can emerge to be acknowledged and explored with the therapist who acts as a safe and containing presence. A primary goal of psychodynamic therapy is to understand the underlying dynamics that keep you stuck in destructive patterns and limit your choices of behaviors and expressions. As awareness grows, you become more aware and free to choose healthier behaviors and align with more authentic ways of being; you become more trusting, autonomous, confident, and grow to have a greater capacity for intimacy and an increased ability to accept and adapt to change. 

Theories and Modalities We Draw From 


We draw from various psychodynamic theories such as Lacanaian psychoanalytic therapy, self-psychology, object relations, inter-subjective psychotherapy, and Jungian psychotherapy. Although psychodynamic therapy is our primary orientation at Daybreak, we also utilize an eclectic approach to therapy focused on meeting clients where they're at with the best therapeutic intervention, theory, and style that suits them and facilitates their personal growth and healing. In working with couples our main orientation is emotion focused therapy (EFT), and we also implement some of the research and techniques of the Gottman model. Some of the other theoretical orientations that we also draw from are, Gestalt therapy, family systems, cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, Buddhist psychology, humanistic psychotherapy, narrative therapy, and solution-focused therapy. From my studies in philosophy, I also have expertise in existential psychotherapy which originated from ideas and concepts derived from philosophers associated with existentialism.